Fun springtime garden projects for kids

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ठूलो गाडीको


Kids absolutely love to dig in the dirt, help in the garden, and experience life growing around them. Helping mother and father in the backyard provides kids fresh air, exercise, learning experiences, and family bonding. It’s a win-win. What’s not to love about that? With a little bit of patience and some planning, even parents who are beginners in the garden can delight in this fantastic backyard experience with their kids. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got the ideal ideas to get your family going:

Plant garden Bulbs Together

Beautify your landscaping with beautiful blooming flowers, Hostas and Elephant Ears this year. let your child help you select the plant bulbs and plan out your soon-to-be gorgeous garden beds. spring and fall are the standard planting times for bulbs. Let the kiddos help you dig the holes, plant the bulbs in the soil, and measure the distance apart with a ruler. Your kids will be thrilled with what blooms the following season and feel so happy of their accomplishment.

Build a Kid-Size Garden

Give your child the gift of their own garden. and by gift, we imply the pleasure and learning experience they’ll glean from it because it really a gift to them. You can purchase a ready-to-build raised garden bed from Skilled Fencing, build a diy version with leftover wood, or give your child an area of your regular garden and fence it off. let them pick a few veggies to plant and have them be responsible for the planting and watering (with your guidance, of course). learned how to plant a tree on and then took my kids to plant some outside to also instruct them the value of taking care of nature. When a child sees their hard work turn seeds into fruits and veggies on dinner table, they’ll feel so proud! Studies show that kids who are active in growing their own food are much more apt to eat it, too. So go ahead and plant the rainbow!

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Plant a Butterfly Garden

This fun idea is probably the easiest, and it also reaps the greatest benefits. Pick an area of your yard or use a big container planter and fill with rich, black soil. pick up an inexpensive packet of Butterfly garden Seeds. let your child sprinkle the seeds on the dirt and water them. view all the different varieties of flowers bloom and attract butterflies and humming birds.

Start a Worm Composter

Your first thought might be “Yuck!”, but your kids and garden will love your worm composter. You can purchase a pre-made composter or build your own diy version for around $5. It’s very easy to make and only requires drilling a few holes and setting up the bin. Vermicomposting requires worm compost bedding and compost worms (can be purchased online). They will need to be watered and fed, which your kids can be responsible for. The compost created by the worms will help your garden grow lush and healthy. Your kids may be much more fascinated by the worms!

Plant Bug Repellant Plants around Play Areas

Pick up some Citronella or Lemongrass from your local garden store to use by your children’s play areas. Both Citronella and Lemongrass repel mosquitoes and flies, which are both a nuisance to outdoor areas. using a few containers you have around the garage, fill with dirt, plant the Citronella or Lemongrass plants and water. place around the outer edges of your kids’ swing set and sandbox.

Make Homemade stepping Stones

This project may be a little messy, but it’s so much fun for the whole family! It can be made as easy or
involved as you’d like, and it may depend on the age of your children. basic stepping stones can be made with rocks from your property or a nearby park. Give them a good washing with soap and water, and paint with non-washable paint. A fun addition is googly eye balls to make “pet rocks.” A much more advanced method is making your own stepping stones with Plaster of Paris. just mix the Plaster of Paris with water in an old bucket, and pour into molds. fun molds are available at art supply stores, or you can use easy disposable aluminum baking pans. While the Plaster of Paris is still wet, you can etch in names, add gem stones or other finds, and paint when dried. Stepping stones also make great gifts for grandparents and friends.

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