Woodpecker – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

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ठूलो गाडीको


While I was working in my garden yesterday I started to hear a tap, tap, tapping sound. At first I thought maybe a neighbor was hammering. but then, one of my kids came over to me and said, “Mom, a woodpecker is pecking on the neighbor’s house and Glenda (our cat) is getting excited.”

My first thought was, “I gotta get my camera, this will be ideal for Wordless Wednesday,” but then I realized that was not very nice. Afterall, this little bird is wreaking the neighbor’s house.  After taking the photo I said to myself,

“Dear Lord, please forgive me for thinking about getting a photo instead of the feelings of my neighbors.”

They were not home at the time either.

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Wordless Wednesday Linky - healthy mothers Magazine


Healthy mothers magazine - Wordless Wednesday

This is our Wordless Wednesday post for the week. check out these terrific blogs for much more Wordless Wednesdays.

Rules of this #BlogHop

Leave me a comment so I can check out your blog.

Visit the other blogs linking up.

Link up to your Wordless Wednesday Post

1. Talbert Zoo w/ Linky

2. healthy mothers Mag with Linky

3. Don’t let people drive you crazy when you can walk

4. An Apel a Day

5. Wordless Wednesday Moose on the loose #WW – mothers O

6. Kitty – linky

7. My little Drummer Boys: September Deluge

8. create WITH delight – link UP!

9. bethere2day LINKFEST

10. For the love of a canine – linky

11. Adventures in Weseland: Fremont Art Festival

12. Uninvited fall Bible study – would You join Me – Y

13. image-in-ing: weekly photo linky

14. #HappyHallloween From @Butterfinger! WW, w/Linky!

15. Ballymaloe house – form 16 art exhibit

16. BORACAY and link UP

17. KUSU ISLAND | Flosten Paradise

18. BATAM ISLAND – INDONESIA | Flosten Paradise

19. just catching My Breath – Glimmer of Hope

20. RMB – first Day of grade five w/linky

21. agent 54 : The Warrior’s Studio, with Blitzed Wolf

22. just playing house – caption This w/Linky

23. Mixed reviews blog – Wordless Wednesday w/Linky

24. LC: The Chubby-Dumpling doll … Lalka Pyza

25. LC: Doll girl Scout Julka … Lalka Harcerka Julka

26. NZ Waterfalls on Albom Adventures

27. Fika, a Swedish tradition | big sister Blogs

28. A Neighbor’s Garden, Farmington, Michigan | Comfor29. best of long Island and central Florida: WW

30. going to the Selaron steps in Brazil

31. parent Club w linky – back to school –

32. What to expect when you’re … going through labor

33. Sunshine and babies- here’s what you need to know

34. My Purple world : WW: little Italy, new York City

35. family fun at alive museum Singapore linky

36. end of summer view of Older Farmington home | Comf

37. The well-known castle cat of Najac

38. bethere2day LINKFEST

39. Amanda’s books and much more ~ LINKY

40. Jack’s Paper Moon: dancing in September

41. Moscow’s Novodevichy at Albom Adventures

42. Clairejustineoxox linky

43. Where the Wild things Were: Run away to the circus

44. Oh My Heartsie girls fantastic Wednesday

45. Ballymaloe cooking school Gardens

46. An Apel a Day

47. Photogeography: Castle of the Dukes of Mazovia

48. Wordless Wednesday Footloose #WW – mothers own Words

49. Landscapes of Mazovia

50. image-in-ing: weekly

51. Frugality Is Free: finally home – LINKY

52. Bronx Zoo Animals! WW w/Linky!

53. pals – linky

54. Annapolis, Maryland

55. Adventures in Weseland: Russian River Jazz Festiva

56. unusual Kentucky sky – linky

57. September goals and August recap | blogger loves T

58. Kasztanki – fotoblog: Romantyczność / Romanticis

59. create WITH delight – link UP!

60. Niner’s imply mug Wordless Wednesday w/LINKY


The collection has closed. let other people know about it through twitter.

Check out these terrific blogs that participate in Wordless Wednesday each week.
RCH Reviews
Crafty Allie Blog
Kitty Partay
Agent mystery Case-Where Am I Wednesday
A Savory Feast
Traveling Cats
Gay NY father Wordless Wednesday Videos
-Stephs delight WW
Joyce Lanksy WW
Dominque’s desk WW
Simple Life mother blog Hop
Silly baby blog WW
A star In My own Universe
Claire Justine- The Wednesday Bloghop
Taylor Joelle WW
Mary Denman WW
Talbert Zoo
My little Drummer young boys WW
Butchers niche WW
A Peek into My Paradise
Totally fantastic Tuesday Linkup
My Pinterventures Merry Monday Linkup
An Apel A Day
Wordless Wednesday
Our world Tuesday
Adventures in Weseland
Just playing House
Keith’s Ramblings
Parent Club

Related  10 distinct last-minute gifts for healthy Moms

If I forgot your blog let me know in a comment and I will add you next week!

Have added your blog to our totally free blog directory yet? Click here for your listing. 

Link to this post:Woodpecker – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday


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साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको


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