10 terrific blogs for blogging and social media ideas

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ठूलो गाडीको


Blogging is always changing. If you want to establish a good service with your blog it is very crucial that you stay on top of all the changes and read blogs that share ideas and information on how to build a successful blog. even after over six years of blogging I still take recommendations from the experts. below are 10 terrific blogs for blogging and social media tips.

1. social media Examiner

Social media examiner is the largest online social media magazine.  If you want to build your blog’s following through social media you need to read the social media Examiner every day.  For a lot more information check out socialmediaexaminer.com.

2.  blogging ideas by Cindy Buccieri

Cindy is a professional blogger who shares her ideas with bloggers, service owners and entrepreneurs to help them discover their passion through blogging.  To learn a lot more about Cindy check out cindybuccieri.com.

3. A-Z blogger ideas and Tricks 

This young blogger shares his recommendations and ideas for creating and maintaining a successful blog through the blogger platform.  I have used several of his ideas in the past. For a lot more information check out azbloggertricks.blogspot.com.

4. blogger Chili 

Blogger Chili shares tutorials on how to maintain your blog’s theme and different coding you can use to customize your blog, and search engine optimization tips. You can check out blogger Chili at bloggerchili.blogspot.com.

5.  amazing blogging by Julie Deneen

“Are you a blogger? A small business? someone with something to say? My name is Julie and I am the owner, founder, and blogger behind amazing Blogging. This isn’t your normal web design web site because, well– I’m a writer. I just happen to be a tech geek too. I love to write. and I love to educate. It might be a lot of accurate to say I am a website/blog teacher. I am not your normal “design and take over” your life business. My optimal client is one who wants to learn how to do things themselves. That old adage – “Teach a man to fish…” That’s what separates me from every other guru out there. I show first, design second. If you want to have the skills and tools to manage your web site or blog, I’m the gal for you.” fabulousblogging.com

6. blogging Bistro by Laura Christianson

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Laura is a professional social media and Internet marketing consultant.  On her blog she shares her ideas and methods to help any individual build a successful service or web site through social media and online marketing. For a lot more information about Laura check out bloggingbistro.com.

7. Supersize blogging by Fin

“Greetings, would you like a lot more traffic, links, subscribers, and a profit-generating website? Supersize blogging gives you the options you need to succeed. Hi, my name is Fin, and between your team and mine, we all build exceptional content for your business.” supersizeblogging.com

8.  mommy blogger PLR by Courtney and Betina

These two ladies share their ideas on how to be a successful mommy blogger.  “As Mompreneurs ourselves, we recognize time management as a daily challenge. mommy blogger PLR is a tool you can use to better your blogging, by giving you a lot more time to develop your content, market it, run your business, and make dinner.” You can check out Courtney and Betina at mombloggerplr.com.

9.  blog world / new Media Expo Blog

This is the official blog for the largest blogging and social media conference in the world.  Their blog features the top experts in blogging and social media today. bloggers can read the current in media industry news and information.  The blog world site  uses “a diverse variety of content – covering social media for business, blog, podcast and video content creation, distribution, and monetization, the current social networking tool, tech and trends –– and also covering topics in all vertical niche areas of blogging (tech, business, parenting, sports, real estate, military, politics, etc).” This is a need to read for all bloggers.  check out blog world at blogworld.com.

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10. social media Today

“Social Media Today LLC presents the Web’s best thinkers on service and public policy. We launched our company in 2007 with the goal of connecting leading experts acroSs विभिन्न सेवाको कुराकानी को एक प्रकार। मापदण्डका मिडिया डिजिटल गयो र इन्टरनेट सामाजिक, निगमण र सरकारका प्रत्यक्ष सञ्चारको लागि पर्याप्त सम्भावना महसुस गरे, निगमण र सरकारका प्रत्यक्ष सञ्चार। छ वर्ष पछि, हामी प्रमाणित छौं कि सम्पादकीय रूपमा स्वतन्त्र, अनलाइन समुदाय बी 2 बीओएस सामाजिक मिडियाको आधारशिला हो। सामाजिक मिडिया आज नेटवर्क होस्टहरू विश्लेषण र निम्न विषयहरूमा विवाद: सामाजिक मधुमेड.com: 1 onerngegegeclicsollics.com: Rebanizatively.com: Regantive scartluldlol.com: Regantivellols.com: Regantiumsemollic। विश्लेषक लाइफवर्क्स्कंक्ट.com: स्वास्थ्य सेवा नीति र टेक्नोलोजी “सामाजिक मधेडाड.कट।

यस पोष्टमा लिंक गर्नुहोस्:

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